Evaluation & Accreditation
The evaluation and accreditation procedures of the Department are organized by the Internal Evaluation Team (OMEA). The OMEA is appointed by the Department Assembly and consists of five faculty members. OMEA is responsible for the implementation of all the procedures that are defined by the Internal Quality Assurance System, for the collection and analysis of the relevant data
on which the Internal Evaluation Report is based. The object of the OMEA is to evaluate the academic and research work as well as the current state of infrastructure and equipment of the Department. For this purpose, OMEA retrieves and analyzes data from the Department Evaluation Information System, the Department Secretariat and the international bibliography in collaboration with all the departmental staff members and students. The OMEA Internal Evaluation Report is submitted to the Department Assembly and then to the Quality Assurance Unit of the University (MODIP) and, through it, to the National Higher Education Authority.
on which the Internal Evaluation Report is based. The object of the OMEA is to evaluate the academic and research work as well as the current state of infrastructure and equipment of the Department. For this purpose, OMEA retrieves and analyzes data from the Department Evaluation Information System, the Department Secretariat and the international bibliography in collaboration with all the departmental staff members and students. The OMEA Internal Evaluation Report is submitted to the Department Assembly and then to the Quality Assurance Unit of the University (MODIP) and, through it, to the National Higher Education Authority.
Η ΟΜΕΑ members:
President: Associate Professor A-M Psarra
Member: Associate Professor G. Amoutzias
Member: Assistant Professor A. Giakountis
Member: Assistant Professor S. Papoutsopoulou
Member: Assistant Professor D. Stagos
Member: Assistant Professor D. Tsikou
Below, you can download the Departmental Internal Evaluation Report (2004-2015) (in greek), the External Evaluation Report (2011), the Accreditation Report for the Undergraduate Study Programme by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (2019) and the Quality Assurance Policy of the Department (in greek).