Student Advisors

- directs students during their studies to discuss potential difficulties and jointly explore optimal solutions and options,
- defines in collaboration with the student the optimal course attendance and examination in case of delays,
- advises the students regarding optional courses and the diploma project based on their interests, goals and skills,
- suggests possible solutions or motivates the student to contact the University Student Counseling services in case of personal difficulties that affect their performance and studies.
All faculty members of the Department undertake the role of academic advisor, which they maintain from the beginning to the end of the students’ studies. The assignment of the academic advisors is made by drawing from the secretariat which then informs (via email) the students and the faculty members about the designation of the academic advisor and provides their contact information. Subsequently, the first meeting between the academic advisor and the student is scheduled, during which the student shares with the advisor, aside from contact information, any other information relevant to his academic studies. Then the next meetings are scheduled, which are recommended to take place at least once every semester. Optionally additional meetings may be arranged, either at the request of the student or in special cases, such as for example after the announcement of the exam results, the emergence of an important issue concerning the student, etc. The content of the discussions between the academic advisor and the student is governed by the general data protection regulations. The meetings of the students with their advisors are scheduled after prior agreement within the hours and days designated by the professors as hours of cooperation with the students.