Erasmus+ is a Europian Union’s program, which, among other things, allows students to travel to foreign countries for studies in collaborating institutions or for internships in a foreign country’s host carrier, with full recognition for the duration of their studies. In this context, the department of biochemistry and biotechnology is working with foreign universities, while also making use of other agreements made by other departments of the university of Thessaly.

The duration of moving ranges from three to twelve months for students, and from two to twelve months for interns.
Additionally, the department offers courses to visiting students in the context of the Erasmus+ program. Specifically, all the elective courses and the mandatory ones are available after conciliation with the professor in charge.
All relative information is available in the website of the university of Thessaly.
The program manager for Erasmus in the department is associate Professor Dimitrios Mossialos.

List of Courses offered in English language for Erasmus students