Genetics, Comparative and Evolutionary Biology
Brief Description
The Laboratory of Genetics, Comparative and Evolutionary Biology (BIOZ) was founded by the Presidential Decree 1971/10-9-2009. BIOZ evolved from a multi-disciplinary research group originally established to concentrate on research of animal genetics, to elucidate the functional and ecological benefits of genetic polymorphism at the organism and population level and to use the fruits of the research for the development of possible applications.
Research excellence is a priority for BIOZ members, but a deep commitment to quality teaching and mentorship is an equally important hallmark of our group. The members of BIOZ teach the core undergraduate courses of Introduction to Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Evolution, Cell Signalling and Transduction, Human Genetics as well as the optional courses of Molecular Ecology, Population Genetics and Principles of Neural Science and Behaviour. Moreover, they are strongly involved in the teaching of postgraduate courses in four MSc Program of Studies.
Research Interests
The research activities of BIOZ span all levels of biological organization, ranging from the isolation, characterization and evolution of genes to genetic polymorphism and species phylogenesis, to the identification of the functional impact of genetic variation and across species comparisons. Taking advantage of its geographic location, the members of BIOZ mostly use animal species with a commercial interest as research models. This strategy, adopted early in BIOZ, has led to a series of diagnostic applications and the development of tight collaborations with the private sector that uses the services and consultation of ΒΙΟΖ. Taking into consideration the methodological approaches, the scientific questions and the final applications, research activities of BIOZ fall within four major axes: Biodiversity, Genetics in Sustainable Production, Human Disorders and Traceability.
To increase its research competitiveness, BIOZ has developed a network of national and international collaborators while participating in COST Actions, ESF Research Networking Programmes, National Science and Technology Platforms. Research funding has been secured through the applications developed, participation in competitive research projects and the departmental MSc programmes. The overall BIOZ research publications are numbered in 70 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and numerous contributions in national and international conferences.
Development of innovative services
OptiFeed Services: an integrated analytical approach for the determination of the digestibility in vitro and the bioavailability of dietary proteins of ingredients and fish feeds for fish farming. Users: hatcheries, fish feed manufacturers, fish farming companies, ingredient traders and suppliers.
OptiFeed: An in vitro system for accurate prediction of biological larval performance (2013). Hatchery Feed, Vol 1, p14-19.
TraceIT!: a suite of molecular methods that support the traceability of raw materials, foods and feeds of animal origin along the production and processing chain from the farm to fork. Users: ingredient traders and suppliers, farmers, processors, food/feed manufacturers, procurement managers, retailers, regulatory bodies.
Game species screening: the genetic characterization of game species before they are approved for releasing in the wild. The service is available both for game and fowl and is an integral part of the national regulation system for game releases supervised by the Greek Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food. Users: game farmers, game keepers, game traders, hunting organizations.
- Teaching & Research Staff
- Zissis Mamuris: Professor, Animal Population Genetics
- Katerina Moutou: Assοciate Professor, Vertebrate Biology
- Emily Zifa: Assistant Professor, Biology-Neurobiology
- Theologia Sarafidou: Assistant Professor, Animal Molecular Genetics
- Laboratory Teaching Staff
- Stamatis Constantinos: Research Assistant
- Post-Doctoral Researchers
- Dr Eleni Galliopoulou
- PhD students
- Konstantina Sarri
- Andreas Tsipourlianos
- Maria Markantoni
- Dimitris Plageras
- Rafael Aggelakopoulos
- Alexia Chatziparasidou
Funded Research Projects
2017-2021: «OMIC-Engine- Synthetic Biology: From omic technologies to genomic engineering», Action «SUPPORT OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURES, Ministry of Development, Finance and Tourism.
2009-2013: «WildTech -Νovel Technologies for Surveillance of Emerging and Re-emerging Infections of Wildlife». 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, EC, Grant agreement no. 222633.
2011-2015: ESF Research Networking Programme on conservation genomics to develop and improve the knowledge transfer of the technical advances and challenges in conservation genomics, focusing specifically on the application of genomic techniques.
Sep-Nov 2012: Structure of the trophic web in the lake Karla, Greece, funded by the Managing Body of Lake Karla
2014-2019: «LifeWatchGreece – Biodiversity Centre of Excellence in NorthEastern Europe» European and National Infrastructure.
Feb – Aug 2015: Identifying the threats against aquatic organisms of different trophic levels in the lake Karla, Greece, funded by the Managing Body of Lake Karla
Genetics in Sustainable Production
2010 – 2013: Expression of skeletal myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.): regulation and correlation with growth markers funded by the Ministry of Education, Greece.
May 2017 – Apr 2022: COORDINATION of PerformFISH – Consumer Driven Production: Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain, Grant Agreement 727610, Research and Innovation Action; H2020-SFS-23-2016.
2018-2021: Development of novel methodology for the genetic selection of fish with high food conversion capacity, Grant number 5010669, Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Coordinator.
2018-2021: Development and validation of a novel harvesting system towards the improvement of welfare of marine farmed fishes, Grant number 5010690, Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
2018-2021: Study of size variation in juveniles of farmed great amberjack to improve farming and handling practices, Grant number 5010923, Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
2018-2021: Study and application of novel methods at harvesting and processing to improve the quality and self-life span of fresh farmed fish, Grant number 5010939, Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
November 2018 – Oct 2021: Legumes Translated – Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems, Grant Agreement 817634, CSA; H2020-RUR-2018-1. ΒΙΟΖ participates as a member of the ActorGroup LegumesForFish with NIREUS Aquaculture and the farmers; cooperative THESGI.
2018-2021: «Improvement of dairy cow fertility through the selection of individuals with genetically determined thermal resistance» RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece.
Approved: «FishPhytoFeed-Development of an Advanced Integrated Toolbox for in vitro high-throughput screening of quality and phyto-estrogens in feed ingredients for Mediterranean finfish», to be funded by the Special Action for Aquaculture, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece.
2011‐2014: «Development of molecular markers and suitable methods for the identification and traceability of animal PDO (product with Protected Denomination of Origin) and PGI (products with geographical indication) products», General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece.
Human Disorders
Jan 2012-Dec 2013: «MALWEST-Integrated surveillance and control programme for West Nile virus and malaria in Greece” Operational Programme entitled “Human Resources Development” of National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 through the Greek Ministry of Health.
2013-2015: «FRA-SYS, integrative functional analysis of FRA10AC1, the causative gene for the chromosomal fragile site 10A (FRA10A)”EXCELLENCE ΙΙ, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece.
2014-2016: Research Infrastucture INFRAFRONTIER-GR, Generation of a knockout mouse model for the Fra10Ac1 gene.
2018-2021: «Spermogene – Male fertility: genomics, proteomics and diagnosis. From the lab bench to the patient» RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece.
- Giannoulis Th ….. Mamuris Z Phylogenetic relationships between genera Dorcadion, Lamia, Morimus, Herophila and some other Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) based on chromosome and CO1 gene sequence comparison Bulletin of Entomological Research (in press)
- Valiakos G, Plavos K, Vontas A, Sofia M, Giannakopoulos A, Giannoulis Th, Spyrou V, Tsokana C N, Chatzopoulos D, Kantere M, Diamantopoulos V, Theodorou A, Mpellou S, Tsakris A, Mamuris Z, Billinis Ch Phylogenetic analysis of bird-virulent strain of West Nile virus, Greece. Emerging Infectious Diseases (in press)
- Giannoulis Th, Plageras D, Stamatis C, Chatzivagia E, Tsipourlianos A, Birtsas P, Billinis Ch, Suchentrunk F, Mamuris Z. (2019) Islands and hybrid zones: combining the knowledge from “Natural Laboratories” to explain phylogeographic patterns of the European brown hare. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 17.
- Giannoulis Th., Stamatis C., Tsipourlianos A., Mamuris Z. (2017) Mitogenomic analysis in European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) proposes genetic and functional differentiation between the distinct lineages. Mitochondrial DNA
- Amoutzias G.D., Giannoulis Th., Moutou K. A., Psarra A.-M. G., Stamatis C., Tsipourlianos A., Mamuris Z. (2016) SNP identification through transcriptome analysis 1 of the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus): cellular energetics and mother’s curse. PLoS ONE
- Tsokana C.N., Sokos C., Giannakopoulos A., Mamuris Z., Birtsas P., Papaspyropoulos K., Valiakos G., Spyrou V., Lefkaditis M., Chatzopoulos D.C., Kantere M., Manolakou K., Touloudi A., Rodi Burrie A., Ferroglio E., Hadjichristodoulou C., Billinis C. (2015) First evidence of Leishmania infection in European Brown Hare (Lepus europeus) in Greece, GIS 2 analysis and phylogenetic position within the Leishmania spp. Parasitology Research,115: 313–321
- Koutsogiannouli E. A., Moutou K. A., Stamatis C., Walter L., Mamuris Z. (2014) Genetic variation in the Major Histocompatibility Complex of the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) across distinct phylogeographic areas. Immunogenetics 66: 379-392.
- Giannoulis T., Dutrillaux A.-M., Touroult J., Sarri C., Mamuris Z., Dutrillaux B. (2014) Chromosomal and genetic characterization of four Caribbean Prioninae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) species with notes on biogeography Insecta Mundi 0335:1-10.
- Villaca S., Torres Zachos F., Biosa D., Iacolina L., Kirschning J., Alves P.C., Paule L., Gortazar C., Mamuris Z., Jedrzejewski W., Borowik T., Sidorovich V., Kusak J., Piatti P., Schley L., Apollonio M., Bertorelle G., Scandura M. (2014) Mitochondrial phylogeography of the European wild boar: the effect of climate on genetic diversity and spatial lineage sorting across Europe. Journal of Biogeography 41: 987-998.
- Spyrou V., Stamatis C., Birtsas P., Psychas V., Manolakou K., Billinis C., Mamuris Z. (2013) Evidence for European brown hare syndrome virus introduction with translocated brown hares (Lepus europaeus): implications for management of restocking operations. Wildlife Research 40: 545-551.
- Dutrillaux A.-M., Mamuris Z., Dutrillaux B. (2013) Chromosome analyses challenge the taxonomic position of Augosoma centaurus Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). [L’analyse chromosomique remet en cause la position taxonomique d’Augosoma centaurus Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae : Dynastinae)]. Zoosystema 35: 537-549.
- Iacovakis C., Mamuris Z., Moutou K. A., Touloudi A., Hammer A. S., Valiakos G., Giannoulis T., Spyrou V., Athanasiou L. V., Kantere M., Asferg T., Giannakopoulos A., M. Salomonsen C., Bogdanos D., Birtsas P., Petrovska L., Hannant D., Billinis C. (2013) Polarisation of Major Histocompatibility Complex II host genotype with Pathogenesis of European Brown Hare Syndrome Virus. PLoS One 8 (9), e74360.
- Billinis C., Athanasiou L.V., Valiakos G., Mamuris Z., Birtsas P., Spyrou V. (2013) Phylogenetic Analysis of Canine Distemper Viruses from Red Foxes, Greece. Veterinary Record 173:194.
- Frantz A. C., Zachos F. E., Kirschning J., Cellina S., Bertouille S., Mamuris Z., Koutsogiannouli E. A., Burke T. (2013) Genetic evidence for introgression between domestic pigs and wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Belgium and Luxembourg – a comparative approach with multiple marker systems. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:104-115.
- Dutrillaux B., Chalumeau F., Dutrillaux A.-M., Giannoulis T., Mamuris Z. (2013) Séparation taxonomique en trois espèces au sein des populations de Cyclocephala tridentata Fabricius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae : Dynastinae), sur la base de critères génétiques, chromosomiques et géographiques. Ann. soc. entomol. France (n.s.) 49: 61-67.
- Gkafas GA, Tsigenopoulos C, Magoulas A, Panagiotaki P, Vafidis D, Mamuris Z, Exadactylos A (2013) Population subdivision of saddled seabream Oblada melanura in the Aegean Sea revealed by genetic and morphometric analyses. Aquatic Biology 18:69-80.
- Koutsogiannouli E. A., Moutou K.A., Stamatis C., Mamuris Z. (2012) Analysis of MC1R genetic variation in Lepus species in Mediterranean refugia. Mammalian Biology 77: 428–433.
- Giannoulis T., Dutrillaux A.-M., Stamatis C., Dutrillaux B., Mamuris Z. (2011) Cyclocephala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) evolution in Lesser West Indies indicates a Northward colonization by C. tridentate. Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 325-332.
- Giannoulis T., Dutrillaux A-M, Lemonnier-Darcemont M., Darcemont C., Myrthianou E., Stamatis C., Dutrillaux B., Mamuris Z. (2011) Molecular phylogeny of European Saga (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): comparison with chromosomal data. Bulletin of Insectology 64: 263-267.
- Moutou K. A., Mamuris Z., Firme T., Kontou M., Sarafidou Th., Stoumboudi M. Th.. (2011) Patterns of variability at the major histocompatability class I and class II loci in populations of the endangered cyprinid Ladigesocypris ghigii. Conservation Genetics 12: 1159-1171.
- Apostolidis A. P., Gelia D., Mamuris Z. (2010) Genetic diversity within and among trout populations from Balkans and implications for their conservation. Russian Journal of Genetics 47: 1097-1102.
- Giannoulis, T. Dutrillaux A-M., Mamuris Z, Montreuil O., Stamatis C., Dutrillaux B. (2011) Evolution of European Cockchafers (Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera): a morphological, molecular and chromosomal study of intra- and interspecific variations. Bulletin of Entomological Research 101: 345- 352.
- Koutsogiannouli E. A., Moutou K. A., Sarafidou T., Stamatis C., Spyrou V., Mamuris Z. (2009) Major histocompatibility complex variation at class II DQA locus in the brown hare (Lepus europaeus). Molecular Ecology 18: 4631-4649.
- Apostolidis A. P., Moutou K. A., Stamatis C., Mamuris Z. (2009) Genetic structure of three marine fishes from the Gulf of Pagasitikos (Greece) based on Allozymes, RAPD, and mtDNA methods. Biologia 64: 1005-1010.
- Mamuris Z., Moutou K.A., Stamatis C., Sarafidou T., Suchentrunk F. (2010) Y DNA and Mitochondrial lineages in European and Asian populations of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus). Mammalian Biology 75: 233-242.
Genetics in Sustainable Production
- Stamatis, C., Giannoulis, T., Galliopoulou, E., Billinis, C., Mamuris, Z. (2017) Genetic analysis of melanocortin 1 receptor gene in endangered Greek sheep breeds. Small Ruminant Research 157: 54- 56.
- Villasante, A., Powell, M. S., Moutou, K., Murdoch, G.K., Overturf, K., Wacyk, J. and Hardy, R.W. (2016). Effects of anthocyanidins on myogenic differentiation and antioxidant defense in primary myogenic cells isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, 454, 81-89.
- Koutsogiannouli E. A., Moutou K. A., Stamatis C., Mamuris Z. (2016) MHC class II DRB1 and DQA2 gene polymorphisms in four indigenous breeds of sheep (Ovis aries). Mammalian Biology, 81:628- 636.
- Georgiou S., Alami-Durante H., Power D., Sarropoulou E., Mamuris Z., Moutou K. (2015) Rapid upand down-regulations of myosin light chain 2 and myostatin mRNA expressions mark the changes from stratified hyperplasia to muscle fibre hypertrophy in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae. Cell and Tissue Research 363: 541-54.
- Georgiou S., Makridis P., Dimopoulos D., Power D. M., Mamuris Z., Moutou K. A. (2014) Myosin light chain 2 isoforms in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.): molecular growth markers at early stages. Aquaculture 432: 434-442.
- Sarafidou T., Stamatis C., Kalozoumi G., Spyrou V., Fthenakis GC., Billinis C., Mamuris Z. (2013) Toll like receptor 9 (TLR9) and Myeloid Differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88) polymorphisms in Ovis aries. PLoS One 8 (5), e63901.
- Frantz A. C., Zachos F. E., Kirschning J., Cellina S., Bertouille S., Mamuris Z., Koutsogiannouli E. A., Burke T. (2013) Genetic evidence for introgression between domestic pigs and wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Belgium and Luxembourg – a comparative approach with multiple marker systems. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:104-115.
- Valente, L.M.P., Moutou, K.A., Conceição, L.E.C., Engrola, S., Fernandes, J.M.O., Johnston, I.A.What determines growth potential and juvenile quality of farmed fish species? Reviews in Aquaculture, 5, S168-S193.
- Moutou K. A., Koutsogiannouli E., Stamatis C., Billinis Ch., Kalbe C., Scandura M., Mamuris Z. (2013) Domestication does not narrow MHC diversity in Sus scrofa. Immunogenetics 65: 195-209.
- Moutou, K.A., Tsikogias, S., Papadimitriou, T., Kagalou, I.Oxidative stress in Cyprinus carpio to analyze microcystin impact in eutrophic shallow lakes: A preliminary study. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 2195-2203.
- Voudouris C. Ch., Franck P., Sauphanor B., Mamuris Z., Tsitsipis J. A. and Margaritopoulos J. T. (2012) Comparing the genetic structure of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) from Greece and France. Long distance gene-flow in a sedentary pest species. Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 185-198.
- Voudouris C., Sauphanor B., Franck P., Reyes M., Mamuris Z., Tsitsipis J. A, Vontas J., Margaritopoulos J. (2011) Insecticide resistance status of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Greece. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 100: 229-238.
- Nikolopoulou, D., Moutou, K.A., Fountoulaki, E., Venou, B., Adamidou, S., Alexis, M.N.(2011) Patterns of gastric evacuation, digesta characteristics and pH changes along the gastrointestinal tract of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.): a comparative approach. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology, 158Α,406-414.
- Stamatis C., Sarri A. C., Moutou K. A., Argyrakoulis N., Galara I., Godosopoulos V., Kolovos M., Liakou C., Stasinou V., Mamuris Z. (2015) What do we think we eat? Single tracing method across food-stuffs of animal origin found in Greek market. Food Research International 69: 151–155.
- Sarri C., Stamatis C., Sarafidou Th., Galara I, Godosopoulos V., Kolovos M., Liakou C., Tastsoglou S., Mamuris Z. (2014) A new set of 16S rRNA universal primers for identification of animal species. Food Control 43: 35-41
- Stamoulis P., Stamatis C., Sarafidou Th., Mamuris Z. (2010) Development and Application of Molecular Markers for Avian Meat Identification in Food Chain. Food Control 21: 1061-1065.
Human Disorders
- Daniil Z, Kotsiou, O S, Grammatikopoulos A, Peletidou S, Gkika H, Malli F, Antoniou K, Vasarmidi E, Mamuris Z, Gourgoulianis K, Zifa E. (2018) Detection of mitochondrial transfer RNA (mt-tRNA) gene mutations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis. Mitochondrion 43: 43-52.
- Sarri C A, Papadopoulos G E, Papa A, Tsakris A, Pervanidou D, Baka A, Politis C, Billinis C, Hadjichristodoulou C, Mamuris Z. (2018) Amino acid signatures in the HLA class II peptide-binding region associated with protection/susceptibility to the severe West Nile Virus disease. PLoS ONE 13, 10, , Article number e0205557
- Anifandis G, Amiridis G, Dafopoulos K, Daponte A, Dovolou E, Gavriil E, Gorgogietas V, Kachpani E, Mamuris Z, Messini C I, Vassiou K, Psarra A-M G (2018) The In Vitro Impact of the Herbicide Roundup on Human Sperm Motility and Sperm Mitochondria. Toxics, 6, 2; doi:10.3390/toxics6010002
- Mendrinou E, Patsatsi A, Zafiriou E, Papadopoulou D, Aggelou L, Sarri C, Mamuris Z, Kyriakou A Sotiriadis, D, Roussaki-Schulze A, Sarafidou T, Vasilopoulos Y (2017) FCGR3A-V158F polymorphism is a disease-specific pharmacogenetic marker for the treatment of psoriasis with Fc-containing TNFα inhibitors. Pharmacogenomics Journal, 17:237-241 | doi:10.1038/tpj.2016.16
- Goutzelas Y., Kotsa K., Vasilopoulos Y., Tsekmekidou X., Stamatis C., Yovos J. G., Sarafidou Th, Mamuris Z. (2017) Association analysis of Fto Gene Polymorphisms with Obesity in the Greek Adults. Gene, 613:10-13
- Sarri C. A., Roussaki-Schulze A., Vasilopoulos Y., Zafiriou E., Patsatsi A., Stamatis C., Gidarokosta P., Sotiriadis D., Sarafidou Th., Mamuris Z. (2017) Netherton syndrome: A Genotype-Phenotype Review. Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy, 21:137-152 doi:10.1007/s40291-016-0243-y.
- Sarri C. A., Markantoni M., Stamatis C., Papa A., Tsakris A., Pervanidou D., Baka A., Politis C., Billinis C., Hadjichristidoulou C., Mamuris Z.; MALWEST project (2016) Genetic contribution of MHC class II genes in susceptibility to West Nile Virus infection. PLoS ONE, 11(11) e0165952.
- Sarri C.A., Markantoni M., Hadjichristodoulou C., Mamuris Z., the MALWEST Project (2016) Identification of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:192 allele by sequence-based typing in Greece. HLA, 88: 60.
- Sarri C.A., Markantoni M., Hadjichristidoulou C., Mamuris Z., the MALWEST Project (2016) Complete exon 2 sequence of the HLA-DPA1*03:01 allele by sequence-based typing. HLA, 88:56-+
- Mendrinou E., Patsatsi A., Zafiriou E., Papadopoulou D., Aggelou L., Sarri C., Mamuris Z, Kuriakou A., Sotiriadis D., Roussaki-Schulze A., Sarafidou T., Vasilopoulos Y. (2016) FCGR3A-V158F polymorphism is a disease-specific pharmacogenetic marker for the treatment of psoriasis with Fc-containing TNFα inhibitors. The Pharmacogenomics Journal doi: 10.1038/tpj.2016.16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hadjichristodoulou Ch., Pournaras S., Mavrouli M., Marka A., Tserkezou P., Baka A., Billinis Ch., Katsioulis A., Psaroulaki A., Papa A., Papadopoulos N., Mamuris Z., Tsakris A., Kremastinou J., MALWEST Project (2015) West Nile Virus Seroprevalence in the Greek Population in 2013: A Nationwide Cross Sectional Survey. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143803.
- Tseroni M., Baka A., Kapizioni C., Snounou G., Tsiodras S., Charvalakou M., Georgitsou M., Panoutsakou M., Psinaki I., Tsoromokou M., Karakitsos G., Pervanidou D., Vakali A., Mouchtouri V., Georgakopoulou Th., Mamuris Z., Papadopoulos N., Koliopoulos G., Badieritakis E., Diamantopoulo V., Tsakris A., Kremastinou J., Hadjichristodoulou Ch., MALWEST Project (2015) Prevention of Malaria Resurgence in Greece through the Association of Mass Drug Administration (MDA) to Immigrants from Malaria-Endemic Regions and Standard Control Measures. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9 (11): e0004215.
- Chatziioannidis I., Babatseva E., Patsatsi A., Sarri C., Galli-Tsinopoulou A., Lithoxopoulou M., Mitsiakos G., Karagianni P., Tsakalidis C., Mamuris Z., Nikolaidis N. (2015) “Netherton Syndrome in a neonate with possible Growth Hormone Deficiency and Transient Hyperaldosteronism. Case Reports in Pediatrics
- Ferreiro-Iglesias A, Montes A, …,Sarafidou T, …, Martin J, Gómez-Reino JJ, Gonzalez A (2015) Replication of PTPRC as genetic biomarker of response to TNF inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Pharmacogenomics J. 2016 Apr;16(2):137-40.
- Montes A, Perez-Pampin E, ….,Sarafidou T, ….., Morgan AW, Barton A, Wilson AG; Biologics in Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics and Genomics Study Syndicate (BRAGGSS), Gómez-Reino JJ, Gonzalez A (2015) Rheumatoid arthritis response to treatment across IgG1 allotype – anti-TNF incompatibility: a case-only study. Arthritis Res Ther. 17:63.
- Montes A, Perez-Pampin E, …..,Sarafidou T, Caliz R, Ferrer MA, Cañete JD, de la Serna AR, Magallares B, Narváez J, Gómez-Reino JJ, Gonzalez A. (2015) FCGR polymorphisms in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Fc-containing TNF inhibitors. Pharmacogenomics. 16(4):333-45.
- Vasilopoulos Y., Sarri C., Zafiriou E., Patsatsi A., Stamatis C., Ntoumou E., Fassos I., Tsalta A., Karra A., Roussaki-Schulze A., Sotiriadis D., Mamuris Z., Sarafidou Th. (2014) A pharmacogenetic study of ABCB1 polymorphisms and cyclosporine treatment response in patients with psoriasis in the Greek population. The Pharmacogenomics Journal 14: 523–525.
- Montes A, Perez-Pampin E, Narváez J, Cañete JD, Navarro-Sarabia F, Moreira V, Fernández-Nebro A, Del Carmen Ordóñez M, de la Serna AR, Magallares B, Vasilopoulos Y,Sarafidou T, Caliz R, Ferrer MA, Joven B, Carreira P, Gómez-Reino JJ, Gonzalez A (2014) Association of FCGR2A with the response to infliximab treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 24(5):238-45.
- Márquez A, Ferreiro-Iglesias A, Dávila-Fajardo CL, ….,Sarafidou T, …. de la Serna AR, Magallares B, Gomez-Reino JJ, González A, Martín J (2014) Lack of validation of genetic variants associated with anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy response in rheumatoid arthritis: a genome-wide association study replication and meta-analysis. Arthritis Res Ther. 16(2):R66.
- Vasilopoulos Y., Sourli F., Zafiriou E., Klimi E. Ioannou M. Koukoulis G., Simos G., Mamuris Z., Roussaki-Schulze A. (2013) High Serum levels of HIF-1 alpha in psoriatic patients correlate with an over-expression of IL-6. Cytokine 62:38-39.
- Vasilopoulos Y., Sarafidou Th., Kotsa K., Papadimitriou M., Goutzelas Y., Stamatis C., Bagiatis V., Tsekmekidou X., Yovos J. G., Mamuris Z. (2012) VDR TaqI is associated with obesity in the Greek population. Gene 512:237-239.
- Vasilopoulos Y., Manolika M., Zafiriou E., Sarafidou T., Bagiatis V., Krüger-Krasagaki S., Tosca A., Patsatsi A. Sotiriadis D., Mamuris Z., Roussaki-Schulze A. (2011) Pharmacogenetic analysis of TNFα and TNFRII polymorphisms and prediction of response to anti-TNF therapy in psoriasis patients in the Greek population. Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 16: 29-34.
- Catherine Sarri, Sofia Douzgou, Yolanda Gyftodimou, Zeynep Tümer, Kirstine Ravn, AngelaPasparaki, Theologia Sarafidou, Harry Kontos, Haris Kokotas, Georgia Karadima, Maria Grigoriadou, Effie Pandelia, Virginia Theodorou, Nicholas K. Moschonas, Michael B. Petersen (2011). Complex Distal 10q Rearrangement in a Girl with Mild Intellectual Disability: Follow up of the Patient and Review of the Literature of Non-acrocentric Satellited Chromosomes. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A.155A (11): 2841-54.
- Zifa E., Daniil Z., Skoumi E., Stavrou M., Papadimitriou K., Terzenidou M., Kostikas K., Gourgoulianis K. I. and Mamuris Z. (2012). Mitochondrial genetic background plays a role in increasing risk to asthma. Molecular Biology Reports 39: 4697-4708.
- Vasilopoulos Y., Bagiatis V., Stamatopoulou D., Zisopoulos D., Alexiou I., Sarafidou T., Settas L., Sakkas L., Mamuris Z. (2011) Association of anti-CCP positivity and carriage of TNFRII susceptibility variant with anti-TNF response in rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 29: 701-704.
- Vasilopoulos Y., Sarafidou Th., Bagiatis V., Skriapa L., Goutzelas Y., Pervanidou P., Lazopoulou N., Chrousos G. P., Mamuris Z. (2011) Association between polymorphisms in MTHFR and APOA5 and metabolic syndrome in the Greek population. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 15(9): 613- 617.
Doctoral theses
- Psochiou Eleni: Molecular cloning and characterization of genes of the major serine proteases the euryhaline teleost Sparus aurata: salinity and hormonal regulation of gene expression and enzyme activity.
- Stamatis Konstantinos: Phylogeny and genetic structure of brown hare Lepus Europeaus using molecular techniques.
- Nikolopoulou Dimitra: Study of the composition of legumes in antinutritional factors and their effect on feed digestibility and fish growth.
- Farag Abusdeg: Development of in vitro method for the determination of dietary protein digestibility in Mediterranean finfish – Estimation of nutritional value and growth rate.
- Georgiou Styliani: The expression of skeletal light chain of myosin 2 (MLC2) in sea bream Sparus aurata L. Regulation of expression and correlation with growth rates.
- Koutsogiannouli Evangelia: Molecular analysis of major histocompatibility complex in natural and farmed populations of animal species.
- Galliopoulou Eleni: Functional analysis of human FRA10AC1 gene in the context of spliceosomal interacome.
- Giannoulis Themistocles: The contribution of mitochondrial DNA to evolution- Paradigms from wild and domestic animals.
- Opti Feed Services: An integrated analytical approach for the determination of the digestibility in vitro and the bioavailability of dietary proteins of ingredients and fish feeds for fish farming.
- TraceIT!: A suite of molecular methods that support the traceability of raw materials, foods and feeds of animal origin along the production and processing chain from the farm to fork.
- Game species screening: The genetic characterization of game species before they are approved for releasing in the wild. The service is available both for game and fowl and is an integral part of the national regulation system for game releases supervised by the Greek Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food.

Laboratory of Genetics, Comparative and Evolutionary Biology
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
(Ground Floor)
University of Thessaly
Viopolis, 41500 – Larissa
Laboratory Website