Mathiopoulos Kostas
Molecular Biology
kmathiop-at-bio.uth.gr | 2410-565284
BSc: Department of Chemistry, National & Kapodistian University of Athens, Greece
PhD: Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Tufts University of Boston, USA
Master in Public Health: Harvard University Boston, USA
Post-Doc: National Institutes of Health, USA – Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
Research Interests: Molecular entomology of economically important insects. Molecular ecology of olive fly, codling moth and the aphids of peach and cotton. Determination of the extent of insecticide resistance in nature and the molecular mechanisms underlying its generation. Genomics of the olive fly. Isolation of Y-specific sequences in the olive fly.

Physiology II

Molecular Biology

Special Topics in Molecular Biology

Synthetic Biology

Insect genetic engineering and applications