PhD Studies

The first Ph. D. degrees were awarded by the Department in 2006, 6 years after its establishment. Since then, 100 Ph. D. degrees have been awarded, which are displayed in detail (name of the doctorate and the supervisor, title and date of support of the thesis) in chronological order. You can also be informed about the Ph.D. candidates that are currently working at the Department, the title of their thesis and the name of the supervisor.
The internal Ph. D. program regulation has been approved by the General Assembly of the Department in 2010 and was modified in 2018 and 2023 based on the relevant legislation. The premises and the selection criteria for enrolling in the Ph. D. program of the Department, the selection process and supervision of the Ph. D. thesis, the obligations of the Ph. D. candidates and the criteria of the completion and submission of the Ph. D. thesis are described in detail on the relevant legislation. For more information you must contact the secretary’s office for Ph. D. studies (Anastasia Papadopoulou,, 2410-565268).

PhD theses

PhD Candidates