Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Home E Syllabus and Course of Studies E Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Theory: 2 hours/week | Tutorials: 1 hour/week | ECTS Units: 3

Content – Aim of the course

The objective of this course is for the students to familiarize themselves with the reality of modern enterprises (particularly the Small to medium-sized and Family Enterprises) and the modern tools of management and to acquire basic entrepreneurial knowledge and culture. It is stressed that entrepreneurship does not only concern the private sector, but also the public sector and non-profit organizations (museums, hospitals, athletic organizations, local authorities etc). The understanding of enterprising activity contributes also to the improvement of effectiveness of those that later will become policy makers for the economy or will work in institutions that provide infrastructures or services to enterprises.

Content: the course, indicatively, will focus on questions that concern: What is an enterprise, foundation and organization of an enterprise, obligations of the enterprise, financing and economic management, co-operatives and their problems, introduction to marketing, distribution, sales, pricing, product and service development, human resources management (hiring, training, wage, losses).

Analytical Description of the Course

During the course:

  • The students will visit 1-2 enterprises related to their object of study and their interests,
  • lectures from business owners and executives will take place,
  • Teams of 4-7 students will be formed in order to develop business ideas, with the advisory guidance and support of members of the entrepreneurial community.


Group project


This course is offered to 12 departments of the University of Thessaly, including the Polytechnic School, the School of Agricultural Sciences, the School of Humanities and the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and is part of the Operational Programme for Education and Lifelong Learning in Greece.

Teaching Material / E-class


Pantelis Skayannis (Course Coordinator)