Diploma Project
The application form should be submitted in the Secretariat and approved by the Assembly of the Department. The title of the Diploma Project and the three-member Advisory Committee (the supervisor and the two members) should be designated in the application. The supervisor could be a faculty member or a researcher from a Research Institute or a member from the Laboratory Teaching Staff or a Contract Lecturer of the Department. The thesis can be accomplished in the Department or in other public organization.
The Advisory Committee must evaluate the thesis and the presentation of the Diploma Project. The final degree of the Diploma Project is graded as follows: 70% Supervisor, 20% Advisory Committee and 10% presentation.
If the Diploma Project is not performed in the Department, one of the members of the Advisory Committee must be a faculty member of the Department and must be appointed as a co-supervisor. In this case, the Diploma Project is graded as follows: 40% first co-supervisor, 40% second co-supervisor, 10% advisory committee member and 10% presentation.
The Diploma Project should be presented at least 3 months after the submission of the application.
During their Diploma Project, the students work in the research laboratory at least 20 hours per week for a period of 12 weeks (240 hours, from February to April).
The thesis should be about 50 typewritten pages (A4) and should include the following sections: Introduction (bibliographic review), Materials & Methods, Results (which may include tables, diagrams and images), Discussion (evaluation of the results) and references. In exceptional cases, the above format could be modified in agreement with the supervisor(s).
The Diploma Project should be presented at least 3 months after the submission of the application.
During their Diploma Project, the students work in the research laboratory at least 20 hours per week for a period of 12 weeks (240 hours, from February to April).
The thesis should be about 50 typewritten pages (A4) and should include the following sections: Introduction (bibliographic review), Materials & Methods, Results (which may include tables, diagrams and images), Discussion (evaluation of the results) and references. In exceptional cases, the above format could be modified in agreement with the supervisor(s).
The thesis must be submitted to the Advisory Committee at least 10 days before the oral presentation. In addition, the first two pages of the thesis, containing the title in greek and english and signed by the members of the Advisory Committee, should be submitted to the Secretariat of the Department. Before submission of the thesis, the student, in collaboration with the supervisor, must perform a plagiarism check using an appropriate software and include the report (matching should not exceed 30% in total, excluding the references section).
The oral presentations are organized after each examination period and are open to attendance. The duration of the presentation is 12 minutes followed by questions (for 3 minutes) from the Advisory Committee and other attendants.
The Diploma Project report is submitted to the Library of the University in digital format (CD) and the first two pages printed.
The oral presentations are organized after each examination period and are open to attendance. The duration of the presentation is 12 minutes followed by questions (for 3 minutes) from the Advisory Committee and other attendants.
The Diploma Project report is submitted to the Library of the University in digital format (CD) and the first two pages printed.