Catering Services
Students at the University of Thessaly may submit their application for free meals online, on the University platform (VPN connection required), using their institutional account. Applications are submitted before the end of the current academic year, on dates announced by the Student Welfare Directorate, in order for the students to receive meals for the upcoming academic year.
- First-year students submit their application online after completion of their registration in the Department Secretariats and taking their institutional account password, on dates announced by the Student Welfare Directorate.
The following Student Restaurants operate at the University of Thessaly in Larissa, which provide free meals to eligible students, upon presentation of their Academic Identity Card.
- Student Restaurant in Viopolis(On the premises of the School of Health Sciences in Mezourlo, tel: 2410-685505)
- Student Restaurant in Gaipolis(Larissa-Trikala ring road, tel: 2410-613611,2410-684401).
- Downtown Student Restaurant(Oikonomou ex Oikonomon 50).
Students must apply on line, the previous week, for the days and the preferred menu.
Daily opening hours for all the restaurants:
- Breakfast: 08:00 – 10:00
- Lunch: 12:30 – 15:30
- Dinner: 18:30 – 21:30
Students who are not eligible for free meals can still be served in the student restaurants, at low price (3.00 euros daily).
Contact for Student Welfare at the Department:, 2410-565273
Larissa Student Restaurant Quality Committee
- Rachiotis Georgios (George): Associate Professor ( 2410-565008 )
- Malissiova Eleni: Assistant Professor ( )
- Tzimas Pavlos: Lecturer of Applications ( 2410-684595 )
- Students’ Representative: